How to

How to make cleaning fun! Tips and Tricks

A few tips to make cleaning fun

Now this might seem like an odd post for a floristry website but here at Make Their Day flowers we know that our bouquets look so much better in a clean home but also understand that it can be hard to keep the house clean and tidy, especially when you are busy. We love working in our florists in Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, but it keeps us all very busy and the last thing we want to do when we finish as day of creating gorgeous flower bouquets is clean, but it needs to be done, and so here are some ideas to make it more fun!

Here at Make Their Day Flowers Cheltenham we think that our flower bouquets look better in a tidy home, like this beautiful one that has clearly been designed with great care!

Keeping the house clean can be a challenge, but when you start using some of the following ideas, cleaning the house will be a lot easier!

Whether you work full-time, part-time, or stay at home, keeping the house clean and tidy can be a frustrating and daunting task. Use some of the following ideas to get started on getting the house clean and keeping it that way. It’s important to find ways to make cleaning the house fun!

Identify what you hate about cleaning

What is it that you hate about cleaning? Take a moment to reflect the factors that make you cringe when you think about cleaning: loneliness, resentment for being the only one cleaning, thinking of how the time could be better spent, getting your hands dirty, being repulsed by smells, getting bored easily, lacking motivation, etc. By identifying what you hate about cleaning, you’ll be able to find the solution.

Find solutions to make cleaning fun

You’re smart, so after identifying what you hate about doing household jobs and cleaning, start brainstorming some solutions to those problems. Come up with as many as possible, and then get going. The following are some examples to get you started…

  • Loneliness: talk on the phone or ask someone to keep you company.
  • Resentment: share this with the other person in a fair and calm way, and discover if you are truly pulling more than your weight. Household job division should be equal, but if your partner is working all day to support you, it may be fair to expect you to take on more of the jobs.
  • Time better spent: reward certain cleaning tasks with enjoyable hobby/pleasure time
  • Dirty hands: wear gloves
  • Smells: wear a face mask (can be found at almost all stores now)
  • Getting Bored: break it into 15-minute tasks, listen to music, dance while you clean, or turn it into a game.
  • Lacking Motivation: take a before and after picture
  • A Change of Attitude
A woman sits on a sofa with a cushion on her head by the hoover, clearly not read our post on making cleaning fun!

Brainstorm some ways you can change your attitude while doing jobs and make the house cleaning fun. Some common suggestions include;

  • listening to music
  • dancing while cleaning
  • set a timer and race yourself
  • make it a game
  • take breaks
  • reward yourself (maybe get some flowers! It’s proven they can lift your mood!)
  • play a favourite tv show in the background

The key is to get creative. You know yourself best, and you know what it’s going to take to change your attitude. If you think you don’t know, start experimenting. The key to making cleaning fun is to allow yourself act like a child and turn it into a game and then you’ll stop hating it so much.

Maintaining a Clean House is as Easy as 1-2-3!

Some jobs are never-ending and take time every day, like washing up and laundry. For the rest of the house, start doing 1-2-3. Every time you walk into a room (kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc.) pick up or clean three items. It will only take a few seconds. Train yourself to do this every time you go into a different room, and your house will stay clean. A few seconds multiple times throughout the day ends up saving you hours of picking up and cleaning. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Your home should be your sanctuary – your place to relax, have fun, entertain, and spend time with the people you love. Start treating it like a sanctuary by keeping it clean and tidy. The positive feelings you’ll get from living in a clean, clutter-free home will be worth the time investment. Especially if you can make cleaning fun. Good luck, we hope you start enjoying the benefits of a clean and tidy home soon!

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