Current Affairs

Celebrating Cheltenham Business Women – IWD 2021

One thing we are passionate about is championing other Cheltenham businesses, especially female run ones like Make Their Day Flowers! In honour of International Women’s Day, I have approached several local Cheltenham women who also run their own businesses and asked them a few questions. (If you’re looking to treat a special woman in your life, we have been very busy working on our Mother’s Day Bouquets available for collection or same day delivery!!)

First up is Maddie Elicea owner of Studio M, a gorgeous salon offering a range of beauty treatments in Charlton Kings, not far from our shop.

Studio M beauty salon in Charlton Kings, Cheltenham.

Tell us a little about your Cheltenham business?

After taking redundancy some years back from my corporate job, 4 years ago I decided to completely retrain and start my journey to create a safe, relaxed, calm environment for my clients to come and have some “YOU TIME” ensuring they got the very best from their treatments and felt valued.

Is there a woman that inspired you to start your business?

No one in particular but I just knew I wanted to change something in my life, have a more work life balance (although that never happens with your own company) but something I was passionate about and could make a difference to peoples lives.

Who is a strong woman that you have looked up to?

A family friend since I was 3 years old and who has been there through the ups and downs even though she has a large family herself. My darling Margaret, she is the most beautiful person inside and out.

What message would you give to your younger self, knowing what you do now?

Don’t worry so much about what others think, you know you are kind and treat people with respect and you cannot please everyone in this world.

What have been your biggest hurdles as a woman in business?

Self belief, I am very privilege even thought I am still a very young business and have a small client base, to have just the most beautiful clients ever. They all love the Studio and how I never rush and always make time for them as it’s never just about the treatments, I want it to be about the whole experience but still there will always be that self doubt, but I utilise it to ensure I constantly improve the business and the Studio.

Thank you Maddie for talking to us, please do visit her website to find out more about the wonderful services she offers from her gorgeous studio in Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. You can read the second post in our series here.

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